Today i’ve installed two Windows 2008 Terminal Servers in my testenvironment. After configuring the group policy and installing the applications, the first testuser was logging in.
Everything looks fine, but there was a problem with Adobe Reader 9.0. The application wasn’t able to start and I received a EventID 1000 in the event viewer of my Terminal Servers.
“Faulting application AcroRd32.exe, version, time stamp 0x4850f0a3, faulting module Annots.api, version, time stamp 0x4850e57f, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x001bd9e0, process id 0xb9c, application start time 0x01c99438e39a6ea2.”
So I started to trouble shoot and I found the following solution. This action must be configured on every Terminal Server.
Set the compatibility mode of AcroRd32.exe to Windows XP (Service Pack 2). After this modification, everything works fine!
1) Browse the executable AcroRd32.exe on your Terminal Servers
2) Right-click on the executable and choose properties
3) Go to the Compatibility tab
4) Choose Show settings for all users
5) Enable the compatibility mode Windows XP (Service Pack 2)
18 thoughts on “Adobe Reader 9 and EventID 1000..?”