ConfigMgr 2012 error: “Content location request for P0100021:1 failed. (Code 0x80040102)”

Today I had to deploy several virtual machines with Microsoft Configuration Manager 2012. When the Taks Sequence starts, the machine reboots and the deployment failed. After some troubleshooting in the SMSTS.LOG file, the following error was shown:

“Content location request for P0100021:1 failed. (Code 0x80040102)”

Package with ID P0100021 are the VMware Tools, and yes this is one step in my task sequense. This error is simple to resolve, just deploy the specific package to a distribution point… 😉

After a succesvol deployment to the distribution point, the task sequence finisched succesfull!


Find all Obsolete computerobject in SCCM 2007

When you have a big Microsoft SCCM 2007 environment, it’s very handy to have an overview of all the obsolete computerobject within the SCCM database. This query gives you this overview.

1.) Create a new Collection. (In my example it is All Obsolete Computerobjects)
2.) Create a new query. (In my example it is Query All Obsolete Computerobjects)
3.)  Edit the query statement. Use the following query:
select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,
SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.Obsolete = 1

4.) Run the “Update Collection Membership”
5.) View the result

Microsoft SCCM 2007 Build Numbers

This overview shows you all the available Microsoft SCCM 2007 versions with there service pack.

4.00.5135.0000 – SCCM 2007 Beta 1
4.00.5125.0000 – SCCM 2007 Beta 1 Escrow
4.00.5221.0000 – SCCM 2007 Beta 1 Refresh Escrow
4.00.5224.0000 – SCCM 2007 Beta 1 Refresh
4.00.5571.0000 – SCCM 2007 Beta 2 Escrow
4.00.5574.0000 – SCCM 2007 Beta 2 Escrow Update
4.00.5578.0000 – SCCM 2007 Beta 2 with a hotfix
4.00.5578.0002 – SCCM 2007 RC0 Preview
4.00.5790.0000 – SCCM 2007 RC0 Preview
4.00.5815.0000 – SCCM 2007 RC0
4.00.5924.0000 – SCCM 2007 escrow
4.00.5931.0001 – SCCM 2007 RTM                             
4.00.6086.1000 – SCCM 2007 SP1 (prerelease)          
4.00.6221.1000 – SCCM 2007 SP1                              
4.00.6425.2000 – SCCM 2007 SP2 beta                       
4.00.6468.2001 – SCCM 2007 SP2 RC
4.00.6487.2000 – SCCM 2007 SP2 RTM
4.00.6487.2157 – SCCM 2007 SP2 R3

How to: Installing Microsoft SCCM vNext Beta 1

Today I’ve installed the new version of Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager, named vNext! What a fantastic product! The installation is almost simular to the SCCM 2007 SP2 installation. I’ve made the following steps.

1.) Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 x64
2.) .NET Framework 4.0
3.) Microsoft SQL 2008 Server Service Pack 1
 4.) Database Engine Services
 5.) Reporting Services
 6.) Management Tools Complete
7.) Microsoft SQL 2008 Server Service Pack 1 CU8 CU8 (10.0.2775.0)
8.) Install the schema extension (extadsch.exe)
9.) Install BITS and Remote Differential Compression (RDC)
10.) Install Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) optionally
11.) Install Windows Deployment Services
12.) Give the vNext computerobject “full control” rights within your active directory on the organizational unit “System” (this object and all child objects).
13.) Install the PXE Service Point service role within SCCM vNext. This step is optionally when you’re going to use OSD.









System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3 unleashed!

Yesterday Microsoft has released System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3! The following features are new in R3.

Centralized Power Management
Mobile Device Management
Enhanced Scalability and Performance

Configuration Manager R3 lets IT organizations centrally manage the power settings of Windows 7, Vista and XP computers, helping reduce energy consumption and costs. You can plan and apply a power management policy for high and low PC usage periods, monitor user activity to avoid any productivity interruptions and correct non-compliance. Detailed reports of trends and settings help you make smart power management choices, and also validate Green IT projects with summaries of power, money and CO2 savings.

Configuration Manager R3 includes licenses for the popular System Center Mobile Device Manager, so you can run comprehensive asset inventories, deploy software, manage settings and enforce password policies for Widows phones.

Configuration Manager R3 is more scalable than ever, increasing the number of supported clients to 300,000 per site. R3 is also more efficient in the way it communicates with Active Directory, helping you discover user or machine changes more quickly and allowing custom queries to define user, system or group attributes.

Microsoft SCCM 2007, custom Windows 7 query based collection

Default in Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 (SCCM 2007) there’s no collection for the Microsoft Windows 7 clients. So i’ve created a new query based collection in my environment to show all the Microsoft Windows 7 clients. The collection has the following configuration:

1.) Create a new collection and give it a name
2.) Create a new query and give it a name
3.) Configure the following criteria
     – Criterion Type: Simple value
     – Where: System Resource – Operating System Name and Version
     – Operator: is like
     – Value: Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 6.1
4.) Configure the update schedule
5.) Right-click on your collection and select “Update Collection Membership”
6.) Right-click on your collection and select “Refresh”
7.) Your collection is now ready to use 😉