Today I had to install the reporing functionality within Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2012 (ConfigMgr 2012). First of all I’ve installed the SQL reporting services on the existing SQL server. Everything looks fine so far. After installing the Reporting Service Point from the ConfigMgr 2012 Management Console, there wasn’t any report!
The first you’ll need to watch, is the Component Status unther the Monitoring tab. There were several errors.
“The report server service is not running on Reporting Service Point server “SCCM-SQL01.SCCMLAB.local; start the service to enable reporting.”
This is really strange, because the SQL Reporting Webservice is running fine. I could browse to the default SQL reporting website and also the management website. The current version of my SQL environment was SQL Server 2008 R2 (10.50.1600)
After applying Service Pack 1 for SQL Server 2008 R2, everything works fine! The new version was 10.50.2500. I’ve downloaded Service pack 1 from the following URL:
Don’t forget to configure the right permissions to the Reporting Service User within de SQL Reporing Server.
1.) Open Internet Explorer
2.) Browse to the following URL: http://SQLSERVERNAME/Reports
3.) Select your ConfigMgr site
4.) On the drop-down list, select Security
5.) Select New Role Assigment
6.) Select the user name and configure the following roles:
– Browser
– ConfigMgr Report Administrators
– ConfigMgr Report Users
– Content Manager
– My Reports
– Publisher
– Report Builder
7.) Go back to your ConfigMgr 2012 server
8.) Select Monitoring, Reporting, Reports
9.) The reports are loaded now
10.) Select a report and hit Run