Create a custom Address List for all recources

Default in Exchange 2007 there are a copple of Address Lists available.

All Contacts
All Groups
All Rooms
All Users
Default Global Address List
Public Folders

We can find everything in this lists within Outlook 2003/2007, exept one thing, the Equipment Recourse. You can find the equipment recourse in the All Users address list. So, let’s make a new custom address list for all our Recourse Mailboxes (included: Room and Equipment)

Open the EMC (Exchange Management Console), Organization Configuration, Mailbox, Address Lists.

Richt-click on New Address List. Lets call it All Recources.


Now we have created a new Address List. Let’s open the Outlook Web Access (or Outlook client) to check if it is available.


As you can see, there’s our new created custom Address List that includes all the Resource Mailboxes as shown in the preview. Make it easy for your users in the environment to search a resource. 😉

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