Exchange quota information is stored in Active Directory, and by default is cached by Exchange for up to two hours. This means that it could take up to two hours for a quota change to take effect. The recommended interval for Exchange to refresh quota information is 20 minutes, which can be set by adding three registry values.
– Start the registry editor on your Exchange 2007 Mailbox server
– Locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeIS\ParametersSystem key.
– Create the “Reread Logon Quotas Interval” value
– Right-click ParametersSystem, select New, and then select DWORD value.
– Name the new DWORD value “Reread Logon Quotas Interval”.
– Right-click Reread Logon Quotas Interval, and then click Modify.
– Enter a decimal value of 1200 seconds (20 minutes)
– Create the “Mailbox Cache Age Limit” value
– Right-click ParametersSystem, select New, and then select DWORD value.
– Name the new DWORD value “Mailbox Cache Age Limit”.
– Right-click Mailbox Cache Age Limit, and then click Modify.
– Enter a decimal value of 20 (20 minutes)
– Locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange ADAccess key.
– Create the “CacheTTLUser” value
– Right-click MSExchange ADAccess, select New, and then select Key.
– Name the new key Instance0.
– Right-click Instance0, select New, and then select DWORD value.
– Name the new DWORD value “CacheTTLUser”.
– Right-click CacheTTLUser, and then click Modify.
– Enter a decimal value of 300 (5 minutes)
Alternately, copy this text file and paste it into a file called MailboxCache.reg, then import it into the registry of each of your Exchange 2007 Mailbox servers
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
“Reread Logon Quotas Interval”
“Mailbox Cache Age Limit”
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange ADAccess\Instance0]
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