Exchange 2007 Upgrading your default Email Address Policy

After you migrated from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007, you receive an error when you try to edit your recipient policy “Default Policy”.

“Unable to edit the specified E-mail address policy. E-mail address policies created with legacy versions of Exchange must be upgraded using the ‘Set-EmailAddressPolicy’ task, with the Exchange 2007 Recipient Filter specified.”

Oké, let’s update the recipient policy! With the following command you can see the properties of this recipient policy.

Get-EmailAddressPolicy | fl Name,*RecipientFilter*,ExchangeVersion

Set-EmailAddressPolicy “Default Policy” -IncludedRecipients AllRecipients

eap01    eap02    eap03

After running this commands, you’re able to edit the “Default Policy” again.

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