When you have a Exchange 2010 (or 2007) environment and you have multiple Address Lists in your Exchange environment, there are maybe some users who don’t have to see all the available Address Lists.
You can fix this issueu to put some permissions on this Address Lists. Let’s have a look on that.
1.) Open the Exchange Management Console
2.) Create a new Address List
3.) Give up the filter settings (in this example it is based on the Active Directory field “Department“)
4.) Open ADSI Edit, adsiedit.msc
5.) Open Configuration,CN=Configuration,DC=E2K10.local,CN=Services,CN=E2K10,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=All Address Lists,<your Address Lists>
6.) Open the Properties, and click the Security tab, Advanced
7.) Disable “Include inheritable permissions from this object’s parent”
8.) Click Copy
9.) Remove the Authenticated Users
10.) Make a new Security Group in your Active Directory called for example “AL_ICT_Department”
11.) Place all the users of the ICT department in this Security Group
12.) Open the security settings again and at the group AL_ICT_Department
13.) Give this group the following permissions Read, Open Address List
14.) Login with a user that is member of the AL_ICT_Department. Make sure you see the Address List
15.) Login with a user that is not a member of the AL_ICT_Department. You didn’t see the Address List now.