When you’re deploying Windows 7 or Windows XP with ConfigMgr 2012 in VMware Workstation, you also need to install the VMware Tools. All the packages are installing silent/unattended, so we want to install the VMware Tools unattended to. Let’s do this…
1.) First of all create a new package. Navigate to Software Library, Packages
2.) Right-click and select Create Package
3.) Give the new package a name and select the Source Folder (this must be an UNC path)
4.) Choose the Standard program
5.) Give the new program a name and enter the Command line.
For 64 bits installation: setup64.exe /S /v” /qn REBOOT=R”
For 32 bits installation: setup.exe /S /v” /qn REBOOT=R”
6.) Optionally you can specify some requirements
7.) The next step is to deploy the package to the distribution point(s). This is a crucial step!!
8.) Richt-click on the package and select Distribute Content
9.) Select Add, Distribution Point or Distribution Point Group if you’re using more then one Distribution Point
10.) Select the your Distribution Point
11.) In the right corner you can see the content status. Wait until the content status is Success: 1
You can watch the logfile Distmgr.log to see the progres of the content distribution to your Distribution Point(s).
12.) The next step is to add the package to your Task Sequence or Deploy the package to your workstations.
13.) As you can see, the package is installed succesfully installed on my Windows 7 client whitout user interaction!!