An easy way to manage your windows event viewer is to use PowerShell. With some simple commands you can open all the events. Let’s have a look on that….
Get-EventLog *
(gives an overview of all the available event sources)
Get-EventLog -LogName”DNS Server”
(gives all the event logs in the DNS server log)
Get-EventLog -LogName “DNS Server” -Newest 10
(gives the newest 10 event logs in the DNS server log)
When you put the following commands into a PS1 file and schedule it on a specific server, you’ll receive the event logs in an e-mail! 🙂
(in this example you’ll receive an e-mail from eventviewer@e2k10.local with the 10 newest event logs)
$body = Get-EventLog -LogName “dns server” -Newest 10 | out-string
$From = “eventviewer@e2k10.local”
$to = “administrator@e2k10.local”
$server = “srv-exc2010.e2k10.local”
$subject = “Event Viewer – srv-exc2010.e2k10.local”
$msg = new-object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $From, $to, $subject, $body
$client = new-object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient $Server
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