Microsoft SCCM 2007, custom Windows 7 query based collection

Default in Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 (SCCM 2007) there’s no collection for the Microsoft Windows 7 clients. So i’ve created a new query based collection in my environment to show all the Microsoft Windows 7 clients. The collection has the following configuration:

1.) Create a new collection and give it a name
2.) Create a new query and give it a name
3.) Configure the following criteria
     – Criterion Type: Simple value
     – Where: System Resource – Operating System Name and Version
     – Operator: is like
     – Value: Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 6.1
4.) Configure the update schedule
5.) Right-click on your collection and select “Update Collection Membership”
6.) Right-click on your collection and select “Refresh”
7.) Your collection is now ready to use 😉