Mailbox data isn’t specific to any one server. Why should access to this data be? This is the reason behind the Database Portability feature, enabling a mailbox database to be mounted on any server in the same forest. In earlier Exchange versions, such an object could only be mounted in an RSG (Recovery Storage Group). Only mailbox databases are portable. Public Folder data should be moved by replication, not file copy.
Database Portability cuts disaster recovery restore time:
1) Run eseutil /r <Enn> to commit all logs and put database into clean shutdown state.
<Enn> specifies the log file prefix for the storage group that contains the database into which you intend to replay the log files. The log file prefix specified by <Enn> is a required parameter for Eseutil /r. You can run the following Exchange Management Shell command to determine the log file prefix of a storage group:
Get-StorageGroup <Server_Name>\<StorageGroup_Name> | fl LogFilePrefix
2) Select a storage group on the replacement server and create the required database.
(Note: make sure the Storage Group and the Database have the same name as previous configuration on the crashed server).
3) Enable: EMC > Server Configuration > Mailbox > Database Management > Properties > General > This database can be over written by restore. Or: Set-MailboxDatabase <Database Name> -AllowFileRestore:$true.
4) Move database files (edb & log files, Exchange Search catalog) to appropriate location on new server.
5) Mount database.
6) Run Move-Mailbox -ConfigurationOnly — so accounts in AD will point to mailboxes on the replacement machine.
Get-Mailbox -Database <SourceDatabase> |where {$_.ObjectClass -NotMatch ‘(SystemAttendantMailbox|ExOleDbSystemMailbox)’}| Move-Mailbox -ConfigurationOnly -TargetDatabase <TargetDatabase>
After replication completes, when Outlook clients try to connect to their mail, the Autodiscover service will automatically redirect them to its new location.