When you’ve an up and running Microsoft Exchange 2007 environment, you’ve to perform some maintenance on your databases after some time. You can use the tool ESEUTIL for this job. Let’s have a look on some commands.
1) Open the commandline
2) Type in eseutil /?
3) Choose the right switch
Checking your database integrity: (Note: make sure you’ve dismounted your database(s)!! )
eseutil /g “E:\Database\SG01\MD01.edb” /t “E:\TMP\TEMPINTEG.edb”
eseutil /g: tool with the check integrity option
“E:\Database\SG01\MD01.edb”: location of the database(s)
/t “E:\TMP\TEMPINTEG.edb”: location of the temperary database file
Repairing a corrupted or damaged database: (Note: make sure you’ve dismounted your database(s)!! )
eseutil /p “E:\Database\SG01\MD01.edb” /t “E:\TMP\TEMPREPAIR.edb”
eseutil /p: tool with the repair option
“E:\Database\SG01\MD01.edb”: location of the database(s)
/t “E:\TMP\TEMPREPAIR.edb”: location of the temperary database file
Offline defragmentation of a database: (Note: make sure you’ve dismounted your database(s)!! )
eseutil /d “E:\Database\SG01\MD01.edb” /t “E:\TMP\TEMPDEFRAG.edb”
eseutil /d: tool with the offline defragmentation option
“E:\Database\SG01\MD01.edb”: location of the database(s)
/t “E:\TMP\TEMPDEFRAG.edb”: location of the temperary database file
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