Discovery is a Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 process that allows Configuration Manager 2007 to search various places on your network for computers that can be managed as Configuration Manager 2007 clients. Discovery can also locate resources that cannot be clients, such as printers and routers. By default, all the discovery methods are disabled, exept one, the Heartbeat Discovery. We come back on this item later on.
In this example i’m going to enable the Active Directory System Discovery. In the following articles I’ll show you also the other discovery methods.
1.) Go to Site Settings and choose Discovery Methods
2.) Open the properties of Active Directory System Discovery
3.) Click on Enable Active Directory System Discovery
4.) Specify the location in your Active Directory you want to discover (root domain, OU level ect…)
5.) Specify the Polling schedule (when should the discovery proccess run)
6.) Enable Run discovery as soon as possible if the proccess must started directly!
7.) Specify the Active Directory attributes you want to discover
8.) After a copple of minutes go to you Computer Management, Collections, All Systems
9.) You’ll see your computer object from the Active Directory environment