Session Broker in Windows 2008 Server

On of the great new features within Windows 2008 is the Session Broker feature. Actually you don’t call it a feature. The Terminal Server is a role, and you can install the Session Broker in the same windows, so let’s call it a Role Service. This new role service is responsible for the Load Balance between the different Terminal Servers in your farm. The great thing is that this role service it is included in the Windows 2008 Server Standard Edition, so you don’t have to buy the Enterprise Edition to use it.

The installation of the new Session Broker takes four steps:

  1. Install the TS Session Broker role service on a Server
  2. Populate the Session Directory Computers local group
  3. Join the Terminal Servers to the Session Broker and make them participate in the Load Balancing
  4. Add DNS entries for all Terminal Servers in the same farm.



When you install the Session Broker role service, this can be installed on the same server as the TS Licensing role service.

After installing this role service, there’s a new local security group called Session Directory Computers. Here you’re going to add all of the Terminal Servers that are member of the new Terminal Server Farm.

Next you have to configure all the Terminal Server to join the new Session Broker. This can be done using the following command: TSCONFIG.MSC

Now you are going to configure the group policy on the OU that includes the Terminal Servers.

The last step is to create new DNS entries for all the terminal server in the same farm. Now you are able to connect to the new Terminal Server Farm.

Here’s a great overview how this new Session Broker Role Service works.



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