Set the default logon domain

When you are using a terminal server 2008 environment, and the users connecting to this servers, you want the domain name is automatically filled in. Most of the time the local computer is filled in, for example SRV-TS01 or TS001. Users have to change this manually to the domainname.

Windows 2003 Server:

In Server 2003 you had the option to do this with a registry tweak:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Add a new REG_SZ called DefaultDomainName and fill in your DomainName.

Windows 2008 Server:

In Server 2008 this setting is included in the Group Policy structure.
Computer Settings\Administrative Templates\System\Logon\Default domain for logon
Here you can fill in your domain name.

Configure this option for your terminal server environment and you’ll save a lot telephone calls of users that are able to login, possibly because the domain is standing on locally this computer. 😉