Many people still don’t know the difference between Office 365 and Microsoft 365 and to be honest it’s not immediately clear because the names don’t really give much away. However, for businesses, and those managing IT environments, it’s important to understand the implications of choosing one over the other.
Luckily, Altaro are hosting a free webinar presenting the two options, their respective merits, and to ultimately help you figure out which is best for you. As with all Altaro webinars, questions are highly encouraged so if you want to directly address which package suits the specifics of your environment during the session, you can feel free to ask!
The webinar will be presented by Microsoft MVP Andy Syrewicze and Microsoft Certified trainer and Consultant Paul Schnackenburg on October 1st and registration is completely free.
All webinar attendees will also receive a free 50+ page eBook on Office/Microsoft 365 containing critical user information! To receive the eBook, all you need to do is attend the webinar – Save your seat
The webinar will be presented live twice on October 1st so you have two chances to attend.
· First session: 2pm CEST/8am EDT/5am PDT
· Second session: 10pm CEST/4pm EDT/1pm PDT.
It’s a nice touch from Altaro to present the webinar twice and enable as many people to join live. I will be attending the webinar, so I’ll see you there! – Save your seat!
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