Microsoft Azure Certifications Explained – A Deep Dive for IT Professionals in 2020
It’s common knowledge, or at least should be, that certifications are the most effective way for IT professionals to climb the career ladder and it’s only getting more important in an increasingly competitive professional marketplace. Similarly, cloud-based technologies are experiencing unparalleled growth and the demand for IT professionals with qualifications in this sector are growing rapidly. Make 2020 your breakthrough year – check out this free upcoming webinar hosted by two Microsoft cloud experts to plan your Azure certification strategy in 2020.
The webinar features a full analysis of the Microsoft Azure certification landscape in 2020, giving you the knowledge to properly prepare for a future working with cloud-based workloads. Seasoned veterans Microsoft MVP Andy Syrewicze and Microsoft cloud expert Michael Bender will be hosting the event which includes Azure certification tracks, training and examination costs, learning materials, resources and labs for self-study, how to gain access to FREE Azure resources, and more.
Altaro’s webinars are always well attended and one reason for this is the encouragement for attendee participation. Every single question asked is answered and no stone is left unturned by the presenters. They also present the event live twice to allow as many people as possible to have the chance of attending the event and asking their questions in person!
For IT professionals in 202, and especially those with a Microsoft ecosystem focus, this event is a must-attend!
The webinar will be held on Wednesday February 19, at 3pm CET/6am PST/9am EST and at again 7pm CET/10am PST/1pm EST. I’ll be attending so I’ll see you there!
Tag: Free webinar
Free webinar – Office 365 or Microsoft 365? Which is the Perfect Platform for You?
Many people still don’t know the difference between Office 365 and Microsoft 365 and to be honest it’s not immediately clear because the names don’t really give much away. However, for businesses, and those managing IT environments, it’s important to understand the implications of choosing one over the other.
Luckily, Altaro are hosting a free webinar presenting the two options, their respective merits, and to ultimately help you figure out which is best for you. As with all Altaro webinars, questions are highly encouraged so if you want to directly address which package suits the specifics of your environment during the session, you can feel free to ask!
The webinar will be presented by Microsoft MVP Andy Syrewicze and Microsoft Certified trainer and Consultant Paul Schnackenburg on October 1st and registration is completely free.
All webinar attendees will also receive a free 50+ page eBook on Office/Microsoft 365 containing critical user information! To receive the eBook, all you need to do is attend the webinar – Save your seat
The webinar will be presented live twice on October 1st so you have two chances to attend.
· First session: 2pm CEST/8am EDT/5am PDT
· Second session: 10pm CEST/4pm EDT/1pm PDT.
It’s a nice touch from Altaro to present the webinar twice and enable as many people to join live. I will be attending the webinar, so I’ll see you there! – Save your seat!
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