When migrating a customer to for example Microsoft Office 365, most of the time we install a ADFS environment to. With ADFS you create a single sign-on experience (SSO) for your users. Within Windows Server 2012 R2, ADFS is a default server role, which can be enabled really easily. After the installation, you’ve to configure some options and you’re ready to rock!
The default logon screen of ADFS is not that nice. Some basic colors and no custom branding. In the most environments our customers wanted to have some custom branding. There’re a few things you can change on the logon screen. For example:
- The company text;
- The company logo;
- The big picture on the left side of the page;
- Helpdesk URL’s;
- etc…
In this example I’ve changed the ADFS logon screen with our new company branding. Within a few minutes, the logon screen looks really different and ‘personal’ (heeeey….that’s me!!! 🙂 )
## Change the company name
Set-AdfsGlobalWebContent -CompanyName "Lab Environment ADFS"
## Change the company logo
Set-AdfsWebTheme -TargetName default -Logo @{path="C:\ADSF_branding\Ictivity_Logo_Small.png"}
## Change the left side of the page
Set-AdfsWebTheme -TargetName default -Illustration @{path="C:\ADSF_branding\Ictivity_Logo_Large.png"}

As you can see, it’s really great to customize your ADFS logon screen with your company branding. In this example it’s really personal, because the picture on the logon screen is ME!! 🙂