Today I’m going to install SQL Server 2022 on Windows Server 2022 Core Azure Edition. In a previous blog I installed ADDS on Windows Server Core edition.
Part 1: Install and configure ADDS on Windows Server Core in Azure
Part 2: Install and configure ADDS on Windows Server Core in Azure
I have done a large number of SQL server implementations in recent years, both in on-prem datacenter and in Azure (IaaS). Now that SQL 2022 is available, I’ve taken a look at the differences compared to previous versions. Installing on Windows Server Core edition is also supported, so I take that scenario as a starting point.
Basic Infrastructure
As a basis, it is of course important that an Active Directory environment is available. In my demo environment I ran a domain controller in Azure based on Windows Server 2022 Azure Edition. This server provides the other servers with DNS. The domain is called ‘demo.lab’.
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