How to: Save Windows tiles in Windows 8.1 using RES Workspace Manager 2014

Whitin Windiws 8.1 users are able to add there own Windows tiles on the start screen. Here you can create your own selection of the most used applications and group them together. When you’re usning Windows 8.1 with RES Workspace Manager 2014, you can save this layout. So after logout and login again, the layout is still there.

1.) Open the RES Workspace Manager 2014 Console
2.) Navigate to Compsotion \ User Settings
3.) Create a new setting named: Save Windows Tiles
4.) Add the following two files to be saved
5.) Assign the settings to the right user(s) and Workspace
6.) Login, change your Windows tiles and logout….
7.) Browse to your PersonalSettings folder and see if there is any UPF file

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How to: Create shutdown, logoff and restart Windows tiles in Windows 8.1 using RES Automation Manager 2012

By default, there’s no shutdown, logoff or restart button anymore in Windows 8 and 8.1. Microsoft has released a script to create these Windows tiles. You can download this script in the Windows Gallery. In this example I’ve created the Windows tiles in Windows 8.1 using RES Automation Manager 2012.

1.) First create a Windows share where you put the PowerShell module for the Windows tiles
2.) Next I’ve created a new module with some Powershell commands
Set-Executionpolicy unrestricted -force
Import-Module \\RESMNG01\Source\CreateWindowsTile\CreateWindowsTile.pm1
3.) when you run this module on your RES AM agent(s), the new Windows Tiles will be created

Very usefull in a large environment with Windows 8 or 8.1 🙂

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How to: Create a Shutdown/Restart/Logoff Windows 8 Tile for the Start menu

In the Microsoft Script Center you can download a powershell script to create a Shutdown/Restart/Logoff tile for the Start menu in Windows 8. This is so cool!! 🙂 It’s also very easy to use when you connect to an Windows 8 machine through the Remote Desktop Protocol, you’re now able to shutdown this host remotely!

1.) Fist edit the Execution Policy on your desktop
Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
2.) Type the command Import-Module <path to script>
3.) Type the command New-OSCWindowsTile
4.) Navigate to start and there are the three new tiles!