In my virtual environment at home i’m using VMware Workstation on the host. Today i’ve installed an new Terminal Server 2003 environment with RES PowerFuse and RES Wisdom. All the users have mandatory profiles, published with RES PowerFuse. When I login with a user, there’s a copy of the mandatory profile in the %systemroot%\Documents and Settings. In my TSpolicy i’ve enabled the option “delete cached copy of roaming profiles”, so all the profiles should disappear when the users logoff.
All the userprofiles are still there when the user logoff, included only one directory and one file…hgfs.dat. The file hgfs.dat comes from VMware shared folder feature. The files is created in the profile of the first user that logs on. The file handle is kept open and therefore you might get more profile folders for the same user.
I’ve fixed it with the following VMware (VMware FAQ1317) article.
1.) Open regedit on your Terminal Server
2.) Locate the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkProvider\Order
3.) Edit the key ProviderOrder
4.) Remove vmhgfs
5.) Close regedit
6.) Reboot your Terminal Server
22 thoughts on “The file hgfs.dat could not be deleted…why??”